I know that some homeschool famlies don't like to do formal preschool. This is okay, I didn't do formal preschool with my 2 older daughters either. They turned out just FINE!!
Now that we have a new additon to our family I had the desire to do formal preschool. Christia shows GREAT interest in learning and I just feel that this is the thing to do for our family at this point. If you are feeling the same as me, please read on. I will share with you our preschool schedule.
You dot NOT have to buy a curriculum. With the help of the internet and posting a few questions on preschool help on your favorite message boards you will have TONS of great finds to do your preschool.
I will be using A Beka for Christia. A Beka has a wonderful schedule to go along with their preschool books. Here is what it looks like.
Language Development- Monday - Friday (10 minutes a day)
Phonics- Monday, Wednesday, Friday (10 minutes a day)
Numbers- Tuesday, Thursday (10 minutes a day)
Skill Development- Monday- Friday (10 minutes a day)
Christia will have about 30 mintues each day of planned learning. I like the thought of this for she will be doing school while her big sisters are doing school. This will put her on a schedule. The rest of the day she will be learing as well, but in a not so formal manner. She will be in the kitchen with me while I cook meals. Here she has her special cabinet with bowls, spoons and cups that are hers to play with and cook right along with Mom. We will have reading time which is a MUST. I want her to develope a love for books. There will be "outside" time so that she can get out in the fresh air and just run and play.
She will also have 'quite' time which she will take a nap or laydown and listen to classical music. There will be certain day of the week that we will go to the park, library, shopping , etc. This is just a peek into our preschool day.
FREE Blog Resources
Whenever I find something that is useful for others I like to share!! This is one of my own sites that I have created to help all those bloggers out there. In the blogging world, "Blog Appeal" is everything. Let The Blog Diner help you out!
The Blog Diner is dedicated to helping bloggers find FREE resources for their blogs. Putting {style} to your blog does not have to be costly. There are MANY talented designers on the internet that are very giving with their creations to help you express yourself with {style} and {trend}.
You will find tutorials, designers, templates, and MORE here at The Blog Diner.

You will find tutorials, designers, templates, and MORE here at The Blog Diner.
My Favorite Things
Quater Mile Math Software REVIEW!!

This math software is easy to operate and anyone can increase math confidence and precision by using it. In the drills, which use dragsters or non-rider horses, players can compete against themselves or in tournaments.
I found The Quarter Mile Math to be the best no–frills, drill–based program to increase speed and accuracy quickly.
This drill–based program is easy to use; simply choose a subject and topic, the type of race you’ll compete in, a non-rider horse race or a dragster race, and the drill starts. When the race begins, math problems appear on the screen and as they are answered the car or horse advances. The races consist of six racers who represent the student and the student's previous scores, so one child can play and compete against their own previous scores. In the school version installed on a network, children can compete against each other in tournaments.
I had no problems installing The Quarter Mile Math program.
In terms of memorization and speed, this is the best program I found. The Quarter Mile Math is based totally on drills; it is suitable for all ages and abilities. This program could even help older students or adults who have gotten rusty on their multiplication tables.
The basics covered include counting, addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, fractions, measurements and money. However, the program also provides drills in keyboarding, letters, whole numbers, math strategies, estimation and more to total over 50 topics in more than 325 drills.
Educational Value:
Children of all ages can benefit from this extremely flexible program. If used often, the Quarter Mile Math program will increase children’s speed, math confidence and memorization abilities.
Any child with a competitive nature will enjoy the challenges presented by this program. This program also builds confidence even in those who are just learning math, since it enables players to compete against themselves, and they can watch how much they have improved by beating their previous scores.
Quarter Mile Math does not include high–end animations or interactive cartoon characters that some young children expect to find in software; however, despite the lack of cartoon qualities, I feel this program would be a good addition to a classroom or for children who need to increase their speed and math confidence.
The Quarter Mile Math program offers email and phone support as well as help within the software; however, the program is so simple that major technical problems are rare.
Purchase NOW and you can receive $5.00 OFF (by clicking our link to the left<< sidbar OR clicking the picture in the post)!!
It's A Mess
PLEASE pardon my mess!! My site will be taking on some funny designs at this time for I'm in the design and install process. Thanks for understanding
Getting Started With The New Year
I love to get our ABA order in and start planning for our NEW year!! I seperate everything out into different piles. I have my stack and the girls each have theirs. We then go over our list of items to make sure that we have everything.
I like to then sign on to our ABA account and download our calendar. I take my highlighter and start marking the "breaks" in pink and the "reports due" in yellow. I have a notebook style planner that I buy from Walmart for me to use, but I also like to put our school calendar on Google Calendar as well. This helps me to stay organized. Some may think this is double work, but since we travel A LOT I feel that I am covered if I happen to forget my computer OR my planner. {I haven't thought about IF I forget both!!}
Once I have my stack of items, I take my Video Manual and I like to highlight ALL Quizes in pink, Tests in orange and Reports in yellow {my life is very colorful}. I then start building our calendar.
ABA numbers all their lessons (which I LOVE, it helps me find things). I then like to build my Google Calendar first. Right now I'm working on highlighting!! Happy Homeschooling Everyone!!
I like to then sign on to our ABA account and download our calendar. I take my highlighter and start marking the "breaks" in pink and the "reports due" in yellow. I have a notebook style planner that I buy from Walmart for me to use, but I also like to put our school calendar on Google Calendar as well. This helps me to stay organized. Some may think this is double work, but since we travel A LOT I feel that I am covered if I happen to forget my computer OR my planner. {I haven't thought about IF I forget both!!}
Once I have my stack of items, I take my Video Manual and I like to highlight ALL Quizes in pink, Tests in orange and Reports in yellow {my life is very colorful}. I then start building our calendar.
ABA numbers all their lessons (which I LOVE, it helps me find things). I then like to build my Google Calendar first. Right now I'm working on highlighting!! Happy Homeschooling Everyone!!
A Beka,
Our School
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